As a complement to its proven network control technology, in Neuenhagen (Germany) transmission network operator 50Hertz is relying on "BoFiT Forecast” from ProCom. Since April of this year, this forecasting solution from the Aachen based software consultancy house has been delivering more reliable marketing of electricity from renewable sources and a more accurate basis for calculating the network loading. It performs all the time series management and supplies forecasts for up to eight days, giving short-term forecasts at quarter-hourly intervals. The new solution takes forecasts from external providers, for factors such as wind strength, wind speed and feed-in power from wind and solar energy, as well as internal data, for example projections and estimated values to determine i.a. line losses. The "BoFiT Forecast” takes in a number of equivalent time series forecasts from different providers and weights them to increase the quality of the predictions. The data calculations can now be flexibly controlled - whereas previously a range of systems were used for time series management and forecasting tasks, which made data handling and software maintenance more difficult.
Picture Control_Centre_Neuenhagen__c_50Hertz.jpg:
The heart of the network management at 50Hertz: the new control center in Neuenhagen (Image: 50Hertz)
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ProCom GmbH
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