The new ProCom app "ITA mobile” gives you insights into current Intraday power trading activities on the EPEX SPOT delivered to your tablet or smartphone in real time. The app provides a summary of prices and price trends for all tradable products, including traded volumes, for the four market areas of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France; the addition of further European power exchanges is planned. ITA mobile shows trading activities over time, including order books and market depth per contract. In addition to the overview of all tradable products, details of selected products can be displayed and compared in parallel. A useful reminder notifies traders of the last possible time to trade before gate closure.
Initially the app will be offered for iOS; an android version will be released shortly. ITA mobile can be downloaded from the app store for € 4.99 and refreshes data every half hour. Continuous updating is available with the "Live Data” subscription for € 4.99 per month. If you are interested in the android version, please contact
Ideal add-on to the ITA desktop solution
ITA mobile is an aid for everyone who wants to track the Intraday power market anywhere at any time. At the same time the app is an ideal add-on to "ITA”, the Intraday trading desktop solution from ProCom. In addition to providing a market overview, it allows users to place offers directly on the power exchange and to capture deals. ITA allows producers to monitor power production, to integrate portfolio optimization and to act on recommendations to achieve optimal deals.
For more information on the ITA mobile app, please go to
Picture ITA-mobile-iPad-iPhone_EN.jpg:
The ProCom app ITA mobile allows you to monitor Intraday order books, products and price trends in real time on your tablet or smartphone. The iOS version for iPad and iPhone is available now (from iOS 8.0; an android version will follow shortly).
About ProCom GmbH
ProCom advises on central issues relating to energy production and trading. Using their expertise in processing and IT, ProCom's consultants support the successful implementation of strategic guidelines right through to operational use. Our IT solutions ensure optimal marketing of energy portfolios across all time frames and markets.
Media and PR:
ProCom GmbH
Stefanie Lakemper
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52070 Aachen
Tel. +49 (0)241 51804-105
Fax +49 (0)241 51804-30
Press’n’Relations II GmbH
Ralf Dunker
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81241 München
Tel. +49 (0)89 5404722-11
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