Climate Protection
For years, Press'n'Relations has been supporting customers in communicating their environmental topics. For reasons of credibility, among many others, we decided to become active in that field ourselves. Hence why, in 2007, we were the first PR agency in the German-speaking area to introduce environmental management following EMAS guidelines—while also being the first climate-neutral PR agency in Germany. We want to show that it absolutely makes sense for service providers to become involved in matters of climate and environmental protection.
In the past years, we have been continually able to reach, as well as to extend, our set goals for CO2 emissions reduction. Now, we have reached a point where we have completely exhausted our potential for improvement. Thus, in July 2015 we declined our third recertification according to EMAS. Nonetheless, we are still working climate-neutrally and are taking yearly stock of our carbon footprint in order to subsequently balance our emissions by financially supporting a related environmental project.
A business can't operate without generating CO2 emissions. This is why we equalize our unavoidable emissions by investing in accredited and valuable climate protection projects.
In 2015, we supported the technical modification of a geothermic power plant in Indonesia. This led to an increase in turbine output from 55 to 60 megawatts. In addition to that, the clean energy produced like this provides improved security of the local power supply.
Other projects we have supported in the past years: